
Auto Loans
Demonstrates how much money and time can be saved by paying down an auto loan faster than the loan term.
Minimum Payment Calculator
Calculates how much users could save in the long term by making more than a minimum monthly payment.
Student Loan Calculator
Demonstrates how much money and time can be saved by paying down student loans faster than the loan term.
Simple vs. Compound Interest
Allows users to explore the differences between simple and compound interest, and how they affect the principal of a balance.
Mortgage Calculator
Calculates a monthly payment on a mortgage. Demonstrates how the payment is split between principal and interest.
Mortgage Type Activity
Summarizes the pros and cons of each mortgage type: conventional, fixed-rate, adjustable-rate, government-insured and jumbo mortgages.
Mortgage Affordability
Helps a potential home buyer understand whether he or she is able, based on a budget, to afford a specific mortgage payment.
Early Mortgage Payoff
Indicates how much interest a person will save, and time, by putting an additional amount towards a mortgage every month.
Minimum Payment Calculator
Calculates how much users could save in the long term by making more than a minimum monthly payment.
Budget Calculator
Helps an individual understand how much he or she is saving (or losing) on either a monthly or annual basis, factoring monthly and annual expenses.
Savings Calculator
Shows how much money an individual will save via compound interest and an additional monthly payment.
Cost of Living Calculator
Compares average costs of living between US cities and states, including housing, groceries, utilities, transportation, and health-care costs.
Early Mortgage Payoff
Indicates how much interest a person will save, and time, by putting an additional amount towards a mortgage every month.
Credit Card Payoff
Demonstrates how many monthly payments and how much interest will be paid on a credit card.
Debt Payoff Calculator
Shows how much money can be saved in interest by adding additional principal to a monthly payment. Especially useful in clearing credit card debt.
Asset Depreciation Calculator
Calculates the worth of assets using the straight line depreciation formula, adjusting for initial purchase price, salvage value, and life of asset.
50/30/20 Calculator
The 50/30/20 rule states—for a person who desires one simple budgeting formula—that she should set 50% of her income aside for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings.
Retirement Calculator
Helps people calculate their retirement funds by projecting income level, monthly savings, age and life expectancy, and percent rate of return on savings.
Rule of 72 (Years) Calculator
Estimates what interest rate users would need to double an investment by the number of years they enter, using a natural logarithm called the Rule of 72.
Rule of 72 (Interest Rate) Calculator
Estimates how long it would take to double an investment by the interest rate users enter, using a natural logarithm called the Rule of 72.