Home Improvement Loan

Looking to put in new windows, cement the driveway or update your furnace? Don’t have enough equity in your home? No matter what your home improvement projects are, we have a solution for you. Check out our Home Improvement loan, with 90 days no payment!  Apply today!

Your child in their own bed at night. Family gathered around the kitchen table for Sunday dinner.  A home is more than just a place we lay our heads at night, it's what keeps us grounded and what we continue to work to improve and have pride in. A home improvement loan from Frankenmuth Credit Union can help you meet your dreams. Click here for our home improvement rates.

If you don't have the equity on your home to use for your planned improvements, our Home Improvement loan holds your loan funds in your FCU account and lets you draw off the balance as your project progresses.

as low asas low asRepayment Option
Personal Signature Loan10.28%9.49%39 Months
Gold LOC (Line of Credit)11.50%Prime + 4% (variable rate)Monthly payment figured on the balance.
Home Improvement Loans
Unsecured Home Improvement Loan9.89%9.24%48 Months
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Secured Home Improvement Loan8.88%8.24%48 Months
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*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. APR based on sample loan amount of $10,000, payable in the number of months shown above. Actual APR may be higher or lower, depending on amount borrowed, length of repayment and credit score. A loan application fee applies and is included in the APR calculation. Must meet FCU's normal underwriting qualifications for approval. Rates for members residing outside of the state of Michigan will have 1% added to the advertised rate for collateralized loans. Rates may change at any time. **Rate is the annual rate of interest applied to the outstanding loan balance. 90 day offer is only good on new money financed with FCU, does not apply for refinances already with FCU. Contact us for more details.

To estimate your minimum payment, use our Payoff Calculator Click Here.
Effective Date: February 18, 2025
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