Kasasa Take-Back Loans NOW! Available for Auto, Signature and Be Happy Loans. Take advantage of our LOW, LOW, Rates. Apply Today



The Kasasa Loan® lets you access extra funds at any time. We call that a Take-Back®.

Pay ahead on your loan to get out of debt sooner and rest easy knowing you can use that extra cash in your Take-Back® balance if you ever need it. It’s that simple.

Get Loan

Apply for a low, fixed rate Auto, Signature or Be Happy Loan for a new car, vacation or home remodel.

Log In

See your Kasasa Loan in action. Pay ahead to save on interest while building your Take-Back balance.

Take Back

Need money? You can withdraw Take-Back funds at any time with zero penalties or change in rate.

Pay ahead on your  loan and

If you need to, take the money back

you can access the funds any time!


With the Kasasa Loan, you can pay ahead to get out of debt sooner, and still rest easy knowing you can use that extra cash in your Take-Back balance if you ever need it. It’s that simple.

Get loan

Get the amount you need upon approval, with a fixed interest rate and convenient payoff terms.


Pay a little extra every month to help pay off the loan early-shorten the loan term-and save on interest.

Take Back

Take back the extra cash any time. Your balance and pay-off schedule will adjust. Your interest rate will never change.

Log in

Use the dashboard to manage your loan, make extra payments and access the extra money any time.




Pay ahead to save on interest while building up your Take-Back balance.
See how you can get ahead on your payments while keeping access to your funds.
Make your payments and explore take back options with a simple dashboard.
Withdraw take back funds any time with ZERO penalty and NO rate change.



See the Kasasa Loan for yourself

How does the Kasasa Loan make it easier to get out of debt? How do Take-Backs work? See the Kasasa Loan in action with this easy test-drive and explore the ways you can get ahead on your payments while keeping access to your funds.

A Better Way To Borrow

You’ve never seen a loan like this before. Finally, a loan that’s built for real life. Life comes with change. Now, your loan can too. Introducing the only loan with Take-Backs.

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First-time Kasasa Loan users must initially set-up their dashboard before they can explore their new loan options via computer or app. Use the link below to register/set-up your new Kasasa Loan Dashboard.

If you have more than one Kasasa Take-Back Loan with Frankenmuth CU, you only need to set-up your Kasasa Loan Dashboard once. All your Kasasa Take Back Loans will load within your existing dashboard.

You must first register/set-up your Kasasa Loan Dashboard to begin using the Kasasa Loan Dashboard via app or computer. Register here.

Once you have registered/set-up your Kasasa Loan Dashboard, you can login any time, anywhere to explore your Kasasa Loan and Take-Back options. Login below.

You can pay your Kasasa Loan via the Frankenmuth Credit Union online banking (OLB) or app or the Kasasa Dashboard. When using the Frankenmuth CU OLB or app, select your Kasasa loan, choose ‘Pay Loan-Transfer Funds.’

Please allow 2 to 3 business days for funds to be withdrawn from your Frankenmuth Credit Union account. You will get an email confirmation when payment is made and when payment posts/is received (funds are withdrawn from your FCU account to your Kasasa Loan account).

Please allow 2 to 3 business days for funds to be withdrawn from your Frankenmuth Credit Union account. You will get an email confirmation when payment is made and when payment posts/is received (funds are withdrawn from your FCU account to your Kasasa Loan account).

Please allow 2 to 3 business days for your Take-Back funds to appear in your Frankenmuth Credit Union account. You will get an email confirmation that your Take-Back has been initiated. Remember, you can view your transaction history and account details at any time. So you always have control of your loan at your fingertips!

Take-Back Auto Loan

as low asas low asmonths
2024 or newer5.60%5.44%75
2017 and older5.75%5.44%39
Antique Auto7.79%7.59%63
Driving Sense-Lease Look Alike6.68%5.44%up to 72
Auto Loan Special***5.44%5.19%48
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. APR based on sample loan amount of $25,000, payable over the term listed above. Actual APR may be higher or lower, depending on amount borrowed, length of repayment and credit score. A loan application fee applies and is included in the APR calculation. Must meet FCU's normal underwriting qualifications for approval. Rates for members residing outside of the state of Michigan will have 1% added to the advertised rate for collateralized loans. Rates may change at any time. ***48 Month AUTO LOAN SPECIAL applies to 2018 or newer, $125 loan app fee, new to FCU money only. **Rate is the annual rate of interest applied to the outstanding loan balance. 90 day offer is only good on new money financed with FCU, does not apply for refinances already with FCU. Contact us for more details. Interest will continue to accrue if no payment is made. Extended repayment options may be available, please contact FCU for more information.

To estimate your minimum payment, use our Payoff Calculator. Click Here.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

Take-Back Signature Loans

as low asas low asRepayment Option
Personal Signature Loan10.43%9.64%39 Months
Home Improvement Loans
Unsecured Home Improvement Loan10.04%9.39%48 Months
Contact Us
Secured Home Improvement Loan9.04%8.39%48 Months
Contact Us
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. APR based on sample loan amount of $10,000, payable in the number of months shown above. Actual APR may be higher or lower, depending on amount borrowed, length of repayment and credit score. A loan application fee applies and is included in the APR calculation. Rates may differ for members less than 90 days. Must meet FCU's normal underwriting qualifications for approval. Rates may change at any time. **Rate is the annual rate of interest applied to the outstanding loan balance. 90 day offer is only good on new money financed with FCU, does not apply for refinances already with FCU. Contact us for more details.

To estimate your minimum payment, use our Payoff Calculator Click Here.

Effective Date: March 13, 2025

Take-Back Be-Happy Loans

as low asas low asRepayment Option
Be Happy Loan11.33%8.99%12 month
Be Happy Loan11.23%9.99%24 months
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate.  APR based on sample loan amount of $10,000, payable over the term listed above. Must meet FCU's normal underwriting qualifications for approval. A loan application fee applies and is included in the APR calculation. Rates may change at any time. Contact us for more details. 1/2% lower if fully secured. **First payment can be made up to 90 days out-interest will accrue. Any Reason Loan applies to new loan money only.

To estimate your minimum payment, use our Payoff Calculator. Click Here.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

Choose Kasasa Take Back Loan in pull-down menu.

Loan Description: Your Kasasa Loan enables you to borrow money and to pay it back on a fixed schedule just like any other personal loan, but your Kasasa Loan also gives you the option to make prepayments (payments in excess of your scheduled monthly payments) to reduce the total amount of interest that you must pay. Unlike traditional personal loans, consumers who have met each of their required schedule payments, can borrow against these excess funds at the same interest rate as their initial Kasasa Loan to address unexpected needs (i.e. car repairs, health issues) or take advantage of opportunities (i.e. college acceptance) that may arise. The loan’s current available credit limit will be specified in each periodic statement issued.

Loan Rates & Term: Kasasa Loans are subject to credit approval by our institution. Many factors affect credit approval and the interest rate you may receive. Upon approval, your loan’s Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will not change throughout the life of your loan, unless otherwise mutually agreed to and documented within a subsequent action form. Should your application be approved, your Kasasa Loan will begin on the day you sign our loan agreements and will continue until the maturity date or until you have a zero balance in your account.

Loan Interest Charges & Fees: Interest will begin to accrue, with no grace period, on the date advances are posted to your loan. We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. Your daily balance is determined by adding any new advances, charges or unpaid accrued interest to the days beginning balance and then subtracting any payments or credits that are made. We determine your interest charges by applying a daily periodic rate (i.e. APR / 365) to each daily balance within a billing cycle. In addition to interest, you will also be charged a fee of $30.00 for time you are five days late on a scheduled payment and a fee of $10 for every payment that is returned to you for insufficient funds.

Application of Loan Payments: All payments are applied first to any accrued interest, then to the loan’s principal, then to any outstanding fees and finally to any remaining principal.
Additional Information: Membership restrictions may apply. To qualify, a borrower must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident and must meet our institution’s underwriting requirements. Not all borrowers receive the lowest rate. To qualify for the lowest rate, you must have a responsible financial history and meet other funding criteria. If approved, your actual rate will be within the range of rates listed above and will depend on a variety of factors including the term of the loan, your financial history, years of experience, income and other factors. Rates and terms are subject to change at any time without notice and are subject to state restrictions. Contact one of our credit union loan representatives for additional information, details and loan application.

Trademarks: Kasasa Loans is a trademark of Kasasa, Ltd., registered in the U.S.A.

Information and interactive calculators are available to you only as self-help tools for your personal use and are not intended to provide investment or tax advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from a Frankenmuth Credit Union professional regarding all personal finance issues. Call 989-497-1600 or find a branch near you.

Information and interactive calculators are available to you only as self-help tools for your personal use and are not intended to provide investment or tax advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from a Frankenmuth Credit Union professional regarding all personal finance issues. Call 989-497-1600 or find a branch near you.