Savings All - Frankenmuth Credit Union

Save more of everything.

Save money, time and energy. Free Kasasa Saver works with your Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back checking account. Every month, the rewards earned in Cash or Cash Back are transferred to Saver—where they receive big-time returns!

Saver links with Kasasa Cash or Cash Back Checking accounts

3.00% APY*

Earn an AMAZING 3.00%APY* on balances up to $50,000

No Strings

High earnings with no monthly service fees or minimum balance


Save more of everything.

Save money, time and energy. Free Kasasa Saver works with your Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back checking account. Every month, the rewards earned in Cash or Cash Back are transferred to Saver—where they receive big-time returns!
19 Month CD
Bump Special
APY* Deposit $500-$99K
Bump CD Special
New to FCU Money Only
Limited-Time Only
Plus Savings
Save More of Everything
APY* - Min. $500
Tiered Savings Account
No Monthly Service Fee
Completely Liquid
The Higher the Balance
The Better the Rate!
7 Month CD
Our Best CD
APY* $250K Min Deposit
Limited Time Only
$250K Minimum Deposit
Good for Current or New Funds
Current rates
APY* $500-$99K


APY* $100K-$149K


APY* $150K-$249K


APY* $250K+


APY* $500-$99k


APY* 100K-$149K


APY* 150K-$249K


APY* $250K+


Personal Savings

Never been able to save but wish you could? Don’t think you could ever save because you are barely making ends meet now? We offer many options to help you save. Plus we offer you Money Desktop a free budgeting tools to help you along the way.

All In Saver

Grow your savings at 1.00% APY*, while also maintaining access to your funds at any time. Great rate, still liquid, just right for you.

Birdie Account

A special savings account for members 12 and under

Money Market
A tiered savings account that offers higher rates, flexibility and liquidity.
Teen Saver

Our TLT account is for young investors ages 13 to 17 and teaches good savings habit

Escrow Account

A savings account for insurances, taxes, home improvements or any other project or expense you are going to have in the future.

Vacation Club

Save for an upcoming vacation or getaway

Looking to make a splash with your money? Dive into Frankenmuth Credit Union’s All-In savings account! All-In allows you to grow your savings at 1.00% APY*, while also maintaining access to your funds at any time. Great rate, still liquid, just right for you.

Min.APY**Div Rate*

**APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time. Must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 to obtain the disclosed APY. Members will forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Account approval, qualifications, limits and other requirements may apply. Federally insured by NCUA. Contact us for information about fees and terms that may apply.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

Our Wealth Builder accounts are tiered accounts so they pay a high rate of return on those beginning balances. Money can be deposited or withdrawn at any time.

InvestmentAPY**Div Rate*
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time. No interest will be paid on the Wealth Builder Consumer if the average daily balance is less than $100. Account approval, qualifications, limits and other requirements may apply. Members would forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Contact us for more information. Federally insured by NCUA.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

We offer many different options for those members who are planning for their retirement. We offer the Traditional, Roth and Coverdell IRAs in both a savings account option or in any one of our high rate Certificate of Deposits products.

InvestmentAPY**Div Rate*
$0 - $9,9990.10%0.10%
$10,000 - $24,9990.20%0.20%
$25,000 - $99,9990.20%0.20%
$100,000 & Up0.20%0.20%
**APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time. Members will forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Federally insured by NCUA. Contact us for more information. Fees may reduce earnings on these accounts. If you are looking for more IRA investment options, check out our Certificates of Deposit rates. IRAs can take advantage of these great rates also.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

Mega Money Market accounts at Frankenmuth Credit Union are tiered accounts such that the rate of return typically scales upward as your account balance grows. Both accounts allow members the flexibility of accessing their funds either online, at any one of our branches, or by check. Money deposited into either of these accounts can be withdrawn at any time as long as withdrawals are at least $500 or higher. Deposits can be made at any time also in $100 increments.

BalanceAPY**Div Rate*
$10,000 - $24,9991.40%1.39%
$25,000 - $49,9991.50%1.49%
$50,000 - $99,9991.60%1.59%
$100,000 - $499,9992.25%2.23%
$500,000 - $999,9992.75%2.72%
$1,000,000 and up2.90%2.86%
*Required minimum opening balance for both Money Market Accounts is the minimum required to earn interest. Limited to four withdrawals per month of $500 or more. All deposits must be over $100. **APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Members will forfeit dividends if account is closed before accrued dividends are posted. Federally insured by NCUA. Contact us for more information.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

CD TypeAPY**Div Rate*Min.Details
Minimum InvestmentDescription
$500 - $99,999
7 Months3.57%3.51%$500Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
13 Months3.42%3.37%$500Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
19 Month Bump***3.51%3.45%$500Good for funds new to FCU only.
$100,000 - $149,000
7 Months3.77%3.71%$100,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
13 Months3.56%3.50%$100,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
19 Month Bump***3.61%3.55%$100,000Good for funds new to FCU only
$150,000 - $249,999
7 Months3.98%3.91%$150,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
13 Months3.65%3.59%$150,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
19 Month Bump***3.71%3.65%$150,000Good for funds new to FCU only
$250,000 - and up
7 Months4.08%4.00%$250,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
13 Months3.75%3.69%$250,000Good for funds already at FCU and new funds.
19 Month Bump***3.92%3.85%$250,000Good for funds new to FCU only
Livestock Fair CD
7 Months5.25%5.13%$500****Only for youth who sold livestock during county fairs. See disclosure for details.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Contact us for more information. Requires $500 minimum investment for a Certificate of Deposit. Rates may differ depending on the amount investing. Members will forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Substantial penalty for early withdrawals. Rates subject to change. Investment fully insured under the NCUA guidelines. Penalty for early withdrawal. VIP=Value In Participation: VIP Gold or Platinum members get 1/4% monthly interest bonus on CD's & certain loans that have taken out since Sept. 2003. Birthday cards do not qualify to take advantage of CD specials, which include odd termed CD offers under the CD SPECIALS title. ***19 Month Bump CD Rate can be changed once any time during the term of the CD to FCU’s current rate. Will auto renew as a non-bump cd. 19 Month Bump CD for new to FCU money only. ****Only for youth who sold livestock during county fairs in 2024. Must be new to FCU money with check coming from: Saginaw County Fair, Treasurer of Genesee County Fair, Marlette Livestock, Tuscola Small Livestock, United Producers, Huron Fair Board, Bay County Fair & Youth Expo, MSU, or Ogemaw County Fair. If livestock check is not $500 or more, personal funds may be added to bring the CD amount to $500, as long as the entire livestock check is used.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

TermAPY**Div Rate*
$500 - $99,999 Term
3 Months1.30%1.29%
6 Months1.35%1.34%
9 Months1.50%1.49%
12 Months1.60%1.59%
18 Months1.65%1.64%
24 Months1.70%1.69%
30 Months1.80%1.78%
36 Months1.85%1.83%
36 Month Bump***1.85%1.83%
48 Months1.90%1.88%
60 Months2.03%2.03%
60 Month Bump***2.03%2.03%
$100,000 - $149,000 Term
3 Months1.35%1.34%
6 Months1.40%1.39%
9 Months1.55%1.54%
12 Months1.65%1.64%
18 Months1.70%1.69%
24 Months1.75%1.74%
30 Months1.85%1.83%
36 Months1.90%1.90%
36 Month Bump***1.90%1.90%
48 Months1.95%1.93%
60 Months2.10%2.08%
60 Month Bump***2.10%2.08%
$150,000 - $249,000 Term
3 Months1.40%1.39%
6 Months1.45%1.44%
9 Months1.60%1.59%
12 Months1.70%1.69%
18 Months1.75%1.74%
24 Months1.81%1.79%
30 Months1.90%1.88%
36 Months1.95%1.93%
36 Month Bump***1.95%1.93%
48 Months2.00%1.98%
60 Months2.15%2.13%
60 Month Bump***2.15%2.13%
$250,000 and up Term
3 Months1.45%1.44%
6 Months1.50%1.49%
9 Months1.65%1.64%
12 Months1.75%1.74%
18 Months1.81%1.79%
24 Months1.85%1.83%
30 Months1.95%1.93%
36 Months2.00%1.98%
36 Month Bump***2.00%1.98%
48 Months2.05%2.03%
60 Months2.20%2.18%
60 Month Bump***2.20%2.18%
*Require $500 minimum investment for a Certificate of Deposit under $100,000. Rates subject to change. Investment fully insured under the NCUA guidelines. Penalty for early withdrawal or closing. **APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Members would forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Contact us for more information. ***Bump CD's have option to change rate to current rate once per CD term.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

All savings

Debit Round Up

Every time you use your FCU debit card to pay for a purchase, we’ll round it up to the next even dollar amount. At the end of the day, we’ll put that change in to any FCU savings account you choose. It’s a great way to pay yourself first.

Debit Round Up

Every time you use your FCU debit card to pay for a purchase, we’ll round it up to the next even dollar amount. At the end of the day, we’ll put that change in to any FCU savings account you choose. It’s a great way to pay yourself first.

Kasasa Saver
APY**Div RateMax.Details
Dollar AmountDescription
3.00%2.96%$50,000Non-qualified accounts earn .01%APY
3.00% - 1.09%0.14%Balances over $50,000Non-qualifying accounts earn .01%APY
Qualifying accounts are accounts that receive e-statements, do a minimum of 15 debit card purchases and a minimum of one ACH payment or ACH deposit during the qualifying cycle. **APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time. Contact us for more information. Only members with a Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back checking can also take advantage of a Kasasa Saver savings account. When you qualify each month with your Kasasa Cash and Kasasa Cash Back you automatically qualify with your Saver account too. Members will forfeit dividends if accounts closed before accrued dividends are posted. Federally insured by NCUA.
Effective Date: March 13, 2025

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates may change at any time. Federally insured by NCUA.

Qualification Cycle for Kasasa is the last day of the prior month through the second to last day of the current month.  To qualify monthly Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back and Kasasa accounts require e-statements, a minimum of 15 approved and processed debit card transactions of $5 or more and one ACH payment or deposit. (Kasasa Eats and Kasasa Play do not require an ACH).

What is the reward cycle? The cycle over which the qualifications are tracked for rewards is the last day of the previous month through the second last day of the current month. For example, the January cycle is December 31 through January 30. This is the time frame that the debit transactions and ACH debit or bill pay need to post on your account. For clarification, refer to calendar below.

How will the rewards post? ATM fee refunds will post on the last day of the month. If you have a Saver account, rewards will post to Saver. Interest will post on the 1 st of the month.

Qualification Information:

Account transactions and activities may take one or more days to post and settle to the account and all must do so during the Monthly Qualification Cycle to qualify for the account’s rewards. To earn your account’s rewards, the following enrollments must be in place and all transactions and activities must post and settle to your selected Kasasa Checking account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle:

• At least one 1 ACH direct deposit or ACH credit transaction(s)*
• At least fifteen 15 debit card purchases, each of $5.00 or more
• Be enrolled and receive e-statements
*ACH Transaction not required for Kasasa Eats or Kasasa Play

The following activities do not count toward earning account rewards: ATM-processed transactions, transfers between accounts, debit card purchases less than $5.00, debit card purchases processed by merchants and received by our credit union as ATM transactions, non-retail payment transactions and purchases made with debit cards not issued by Frankenmuth Credit Union. Transactions bundled together by merchants and received by our institution as a single transaction count as a single transaction for the purpose of earning account rewards. “Monthly Qualification Cycle” means a period beginning one (1) day prior to the first banking day of the current statement cycle through one (1) day prior to the last banking day of the current statement cycle. The “Statement Cycle” is the first day of the month to the last day of the month. Contact one of our service representatives for specific Monthly Qualification Cycle dates.

Reward Information:

Depending on what Kasasa account you have, you will receive the following rewards when you meet your account’s qualifications during a Monthly Qualification Cycle.

Cash Back & Refund Reward Accounts: The following accounts are free, variable reward checking account with no minimum balance that reward accountholders with nationwide ATM withdrawal fee refunds and provide “cash back” or “refund” rewards if Monthly Qualifications are met during Monthly Qualification Cycle:
Kasasa Cash Back: you will receive 5.00% cash back on up to a total of $200 debit card purchases that post and settle to the account during that cycle period. A maximum of $10.00 cash back payments may be earned per Monthly Qualification Cycle.
Kasasa Eats: earns cash back of 5.00% monthly on the first $200 in select grocery and food delivery debit cards purchases that post and settle to the account during that cycle person. A maximum of $10 a month earned per Monthly Qualification Cycle.
Kasasa Play: earns a refund of up to $10 a month on music, video, gaming, and other select monthly services each month members qualify. A maximum of $10 a month earned per Monthly Qualification Cycle. The cash back or reward payments will be credited to your Kasasa checking account.

Dividend Reward Accounts: The following accounts are free, variable reward checking account with no minimum balance that rewards accountholders with nationwide ATM withdrawal fee refunds and provide “dividend” rewards if Monthly Qualifications are met during Monthly Qualification Cycle:
Kasasa Cash: daily balances up to and including $15,000 earn a dividend rate of 6.0305% resulting in an APY of 6.20% and daily balances over $15,000 earn a dividend rate of .1499% on the portion of the daily balance over $15,000 resulting in a range from 6.20% to .94% APY depending on the account’s daily balance.
Kasasa Saver: daily balances up to and including $50,000 in your Kasasa Saver account earn a dividend rate of 2.96% resulting in an APY of 3.00% and daily balances over $50,000 earn a dividend rate of .13991% on the portion of the daily balance over $50,000 resulting in a range from 3.00% to 1.09% APY depending on the account’s daily balance.
Dividends will be credited to your Kasasa Cash and Kasasa Saver accounts on the first processing/business day of the following statement cycle.

You will receive reimbursements up to $20.00 for nationwide ATM withdrawal fees incurred within your Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats, or Kasasa Play account during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in which you qualified. An ATM receipt must be presented for reimbursements of individual ATM withdrawal fees of $5.00 or higher. FCU reimburses ATM withdrawal fees based on estimates when the withdrawal information FCU receives does not identify the ATM fee. NOTE: ATM fee reimbursements only apply to Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats and Kasasa Play transactions via ATM; Kasasa Saver ATM transaction fees are not reimbursed nor refunded.

Nationwide ATM withdrawal fee reimbursements will be credited to your account on the last day of the current statement cycle.

When Qualifications are Not Met in a Month: Depending on your Kasasa account, when your qualifications are not met, cash back and reward payments are not made. Music, video, gaming or other select service purchases are not reimbursed. Nationwide ATM withdrawal fees are not reimbursed. Kasasa Cash: the entire daily balance in the Kasasa Cash account earns .01% APY. Kasasa Saver: the entire daily balance in the Kasasa Saver account earns .01% APY.

If Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats, or Kasasa Play are linked to Kasasa Saver, the following also apply:
Kasasa Cash: When linked to a Kasasa Saver account, the dividends earned within the Kasasa Cash account do not compound since it, along with any nationwide ATM withdrawal fee reimbursements are, automatically transferred to the Kasasa Saver account within one day. This automatic transfer may cause an overdraft to your Kasasa Cash account if the account balance is less than the transferred amount when the transfer occurs.
Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats, or Kasasa Play: When linked to a Kasasa Saver account, the cash back payments and nationwide ATM withdrawal fee reimbursements earned in your Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats, or Kasasa Play account will be credited to your Kasasa Saver account on the last day of the current statement cycle.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of March 1, 2025. APY calculations are based on an assumed balance of $15,000 in your Kasasa Cash account and $50,000 in your Kasasa Saver account and an assumed statement cycle of thirty-one (31) days. Rates, rewards, and bonuses, if any, are variable and may change after account is opened; rates may change without notice to you. No minimum balance is required to earn or receive the account’s rewards. Rewards less than a penny cannot be distributed. Fees may reduce earnings.

Additional Information:

Membership restrictions may apply. Account approval, conditions, qualifications, limits, timeframes, enrollments, log-ons and other requirements apply. $15.00 minimum deposit is required to open the Kasasa checking account. No minimum deposit is required to open the Kasasa Saver account. Limit of one (1) account(s) per Social Security Number. There are no recurring monthly maintenance charges or fees to open or close this account. A Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Eats, or Kasasa Play account is required to have a Kasasa Saver account. Advertised information and rewards are based on all account qualifications being met during each cycle period. Frankenmuth Credit Union reserves the right to determine if the account is being maintained for a purpose other than day-to-day, primary use. Accountholders who persist in making debit card transactions in a calculated and limited fashion in order to meet their monthly qualifications may have their accounts converted to a different checking account or closed altogether. We also reserve the right to convert the account to a different checking account if the account does not have consistent active use over 120 days consecutive Statement Cycles. Contact one of our credit union service representatives for additional information, account details, restrictions, reward calculations, processing limitations, cycle dates and enrollment instructions. Federally insured by NCUA. Your Savings Insured To $250,000 Per Account, American Share Insurance.

Bonus Information:
$15.00 minimum deposit is required to open the account. Limit one account(s) per social security number. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) varies by account, account balance and if qualifications are met. See Reward Information Section below for account APY information.

Kasasa, Kasasa Cash, Kasasa Cash Back, Kasasa Saver, Kasasa Eats, and Kasasa Play are trademarks of Kasasa, Ltd., registered in the U.S.A.